Sep 24, 2023

09/4/2023 3:00 PM - PlebLab will be at TABConf 2023, hosted in the Omni Atlanta Hotel from September 6th to 9th. PlebLab and ZBD are teaming up for the TabConf Hackathon 2023, offering a staggering prize pool of over $10,000. Setting the stage for the next big breakthrough. Developers worldwide, it's your cue to shine!
TABConf 2023, A Technical Bitcoin Conference, is kicking off in Atlanta this week. As part of this unique event, we're thrilled to announce our presence at this year'sTABConf 2023 at the Omni Atlanta Hotel from September 6th to 9th. This year, alongside our partners at ZBD, we're introducing something truly electric - theLightning Village.

The Lightning Village promises to be an arena of discovery. Here, attendees can dive into the exciting realm of earning sats while gaming. More than just a lecture space, imagine this village as PlebLab's social lounge, where you can immerse yourself in the intricacies of the lightning network and connect with like-minded developers.
What's even more remarkable about TABConf this year? The spirit of open-source! The event's schedule, including talks, panels, and workshops, is curated through a community-driven Github Project. It's incredible to see the spirit of collaboration at its best.
And guess what? The builders at PlebLab will be having talks throughout the conference. Highlighted sessions include:
The entire Base58 Protocol Village is headed up by Niftynei make sure to swing by and check out all the amazing talks and panels.
Web of Trust by Keyan of Stacker News.
Why you Shouldn't Use Stacker News by Keyan of Stacker News.
Lightning Builders by Michael Tidwell of ZBD, Andre Neves of ZBD, Michael Rhee of Wavlake, and Keyan of Stacker News,
Spacechain: a modest sidechain proposal by Super Testnet of PlebLab.
Coworking, Hackerspace, Incubator, Accelerator: How Bitcoin-Focused Community Spaces Impact the Industry by Brian Atchue of WolfNYC, Car of PlebLab, Kaily Buemi of Bitcoin Commons, Bryan Nonni of ATL BitLab, and Josh Castner of Bitcoin Park
PlebLab Presentation by Car of PlebLab.
Are Ordinals legit? by Isabel Foxen Duke, Niftynei of Base58, SuperTestnet of PlebLab, George Kaloudis of Zeus, and Asher Corson.
PlebLab x ZBD Panel by Car of PlebLab, Super Testnet of PlebLab, Topher Scott of BitEscrow, Andre Neves of ZBD, and Santos of ZBD.
FOSS Design Critiques by Bitcoin Design by PlebPoet
Last year's TABConf saw a swell of developers, discussions, and innovations. This year, reintroducing the TabConf Hackathon, we're set to redefine what's possible. PlebLab and ZBD have come together to host the TabConf Hackathon 2023. With a prize pool boasting over $10,000, we're calling developers from around the globe to showcase their skills.
Hackathon 2023 Categories:
Best Hack
$1200 of Bitcoin on SATSCARD - Best Hack Overall (3-months of ZBD Premier per team member, 3-months Nomad Membership at PlebLab per team member, and the official ZBD x PlebLab Trophy) — 1st place
$600 of Bitcoin on SATSCARD - Nostr Category (3 months of ZBD Pro per team member, `1-month Nomad Membership at PlebLab per team member.)
$600 of Bitcoin on SATSCARD - LNURL Category (3 months of ZBD Pro per team member, 1-month Nomad Membership at PlebLab per team member.)
$600 of Bitcoin on SATSCARD - Lightning Category (3 months of ZBD Pro per team member, 1-month Nomad Membership at PlebLab per team member.)
The TabConf Hackathon schedule will be as follows:
Register your team for the TabConf Hackathon on Builder Days 1 and 2 (September 6th and 7th) at the Lightning Village or online.
Check-in with the TabConf Hackathon team on Saturday, September 9th, before 12 pm at the Lightning Village to ensure we get you a slot to present your hackathon project.
Hackathon Presentations will start at 3 pm on Saturday, September 9th, in the Lightning Village.
Judges will deliberate at 4:15 pm on Saturday, September 9th, in the Lightning Village.
Winners will be announced at 4:45 pm at the Closing Ceremony.
A massive shout-out to our sponsors, Fulgur Ventures and Coinkite, for being pillars of support. Let's come together, learn, innovate, and drive the next wave of bitcoin development.
See you at TABConf 2023!

Car González